Curriculum Written & Designed by Trelasa Baratta.
For questions, you can contact Trelasa via email:
We would like to announce the launch of our NEW curriculum, Native Perspectives, Everyday Lessons! We will be releasing lessons over the course of the coming weeks.

Starting with the graduating class of 2029/30, California will be the first state to require all high school students to graduate with at least one semester of Ethnic Studies credits. Before the decade ends, today's elementary school students will be entering high school with foundational Ethnic Studies lessons learned in their early school years. 3rd grade content standards require students to "describe the American Indian nations in their local regions long ago and in the recent past." The time is NOW, always has been and always will be, for teachers to implement a more responsible and responsive Native Studies curriculum. But how?

Our new curriculum is designed around the 6 Critical Orientations of Indigenous Studies - place, presence, perspectives, power, political nationhood, and partnerships.
These lessons anchor curriculum in current issues that affect local tribes and their ancestral homelands TODAY.
They allow educators to teach from living Native knowledge-holders rather than teaching about Native culture as a relic of the past.
Designed for grades 3-8
Lessons address Grade 4 NGSS and Common Core standards, CA Environmental Principles and Concepts, and the CA Indian and Native Knowledge 360 Essential Understandings
Lessons include perspectives primarily from local Coast Miwok and Pomo tribes
All lesson content is either backed by research or verified by a local Native knowledge holder

To learn more and view our NEW curriculum, Native Perspectives, Everyday Lessons, check out our Curriculum Page:
If you did not have the chance to attend our Back-to-School Event, here is the full recording!