Get to Know Your Watershed Map Activity
The following resource tools, “Get To Know Your Watershed” Map Activity and a Roundtable Conversation with Corrina Gould, Tribal Chairperson of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan, will not only allow you to deepen your connection and understanding of our water sources, but will also give you tangible ways to strengthen Tribal sovereignty through the principles of land back and water back.
Additional Resources

A Prayer Journey for Salmon Restoration

Challenging Colonialism amplifies Indigenous perspectives on issues of concern to native Californian communities.

Returning stewardship and management of ocean and coastal territories to California Tribes

A podcast featuring interviews with experts about their local watersheds and how the health of our water impacts every facet of our lives and future generations.

Save California Salmon (SCS) is dedicated to policy change and community advocacy for Northern California’s salmon and fish dependent people.

The Tribal Marine Collaborative (TMC) is providing an opportunity for Tribal members and indigenous people to speak of their experiences, history and connection to water, ocean and marine resources.