Understanding and Practicing Indigenous Data Sovereignty Panel (August 10th, 2022)
Wed, Aug 10
A 90-minute integrated expert panel exploring Indigenous data sovereignty and how you can reindigenize data collection and interpretation in any program or project. Participants will leave with actionable steps and first hand advice for bringing Native voices and perspectives into data sciences.

Time & Location
Aug 10, 2022, 5:00 PM
About the event
Native peoples have always been data scientist. Learn about how to apply methods of Indigenous data soverignty to your project and programs in this free 90-minute integrated expert panel.
Participants will leave this webinar with:
A. Understanding of Indigenous quantitative and qualitative methods for collecting and interpreting data.
B. Actionable steps on how to reindiginize your data in ways that support indigenous data sovereignty
C. First hand advice on how to apply indigenous data sovereignty methods to real programs from our live panel of experts.