Building bridges between Native and non-Native communities.
​Redbud helps organizations, institutions, and employers become valued partners with Native peoples and their communities. Our programs utilize public health and education research to empower change by filling knowledge gaps and improve outcomes for communities experiencing chronic disparities.

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Why Our Work is Needed
Native erasure contributes to the lack of resources and massive inequities Native peoples of this country face every day. The erasure of Native people has resulted in almost 100% of Native youth feeling invisible in their classrooms, a factor directly linked to the devastating rate in which we are losing Native youth to death by suicide.
By leveraging both native and non-native strategies of supporting, empowering, and improving Native visibility, we can build healthier communities for everyone.
How We Help
We help non-Native organizations access new audiences, develop cultural competency, and build new alliances. We help Native peoples increase Tribal visibility, sovereignty, economic outlook, and find new ways to preserve and strengthen cultural ties. The evidence based strategies we employ have the potential to improve health and wellness for all peoples.
Contact Us
Send us a message on social media!
Email: ​​info@redbudresourcegroup.org
Mail: Redbud Resource Group
416 Aviation Blvd, Ste E, Santa Rosa, CA 95403